
Sparta Wrestling Club Minutes – May 13, 2013

Sparta Wrestling Club

Club Meeting Minutes: 04/08/13                                                            7:00 PM Sparta High School

Officers Present:

Mike Montgomery-VP

Jean Roddick-Middle School Rep

Andy Polhamus—Secretary

Mary Nowaczyk-Treasurer

Officers Absent:

Steve Weidl-Alumni Rep

Larry Mosely-President

Red Von Ruden-High School Rep

Kari Hauser-Youth Coordinator

Others Present:

Coach Larsen, Mike Roddick, Traci Polhamus, Melissa Bailey, Bryan and Tia Winchel, Mike and Michele Todryk


  • Meeting called to order at 7:00 PM by Mike Montgomery.
  • Last month’s minutes approved. (Montgomery and Jake)
  • Treasurer’s report
    • Current cash balance $9,188.16.
    • Discussions
      • Recognized Wrestler’s achievements at WWF FreeStyle and Greco tournament
      • Social Media
        • Need chair and apparel purchase information added (Chairs are $50).

  • Fundraising
    • Vinyl Stickers to be offered later in the year.
    • Grapplers with Grace.
      • Oct 12th , will have food and beverages served before the event
      • $10.00 for VIP seating and $5.00 for general admission
      • Snack Shack
      • US Silica—Ongoing
  • Basic Skills camp (Tabled).
  • Spartan Chairs with logo paid for.
  • Warm-ups—almost settled on
  • Open mat sessions continue to be successful.
  • Scholarships for seniors (Tabled until next year’s budget)
  • Budget presented and discussed with minor changes asked to be made.  (Approval for next month).
  • Election of Officers upcoming:
    • President (Nominated Larry Mosely)
    • Treasurer (Nominated Mary Nowaczyk)
    • Alumni (Nominated Denise Murnane)
    • Elections in June
  • Wrestling Room work day
    • Several people showed and individuals donated equipment and supplies.  It was a huge success
  • Stevens Point Summer Duals June 28th and 29th.
  • Spaghetti feed—will try to schedule for Nov 12th or 14th.
  • Butterfest Parade
    • Form sent in and donation of $200 for candy approved
    • New Business
      • Life of and Athlete discussed—more contact will be made.
      • Discussion of holding a FS/Greco Tournament with a Friday night reffing clinic
        • Melissa Bailey has worked with individuals from the Menomonie tournament and have a reffing crew that is available
        • Potential date of April 19th.
  • Mat Hygiene discussed and the availability of volunteers to help clean it regularly
    • Jake informed the group of the current cleaning schedule
  • A Wal-Mart card was approved for $100 to the James Gann family to help with their family after a fire at their home.
  • Approved spending $400.00 for Hudl (motioned by Andy/Seconded by Jake)
  • Mike Todryk indicated he would be going around soliciting donations for his daughter’s wrestling trip and wanted to let the club know his intentions and the presentation aspects for Alice’s trip.
  • Next meeting scheduled for 06/10/13 at Sparta Senior High School.
  • Meeting adjourned at 7:58 PM.

Minutes submitted by Andy Polhamus

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