Club Meeting Minutes: 06/10/13 7:00 PM Sparta High School
Officers Present:
Larry Mosely-President
Jean Roddick-Middle School Rep
Andy Polhamus—Secretary
Kari Hauser-Youth Coordinator
Denise Murnane-Alumni Rep
Officers Absent:
Mike Montgomery-VP
Mary Nowaczyk-Treasurer
Red Von Ruden-High School Rep
Others Present:
Mike Roddick, Traci Polhamus, Melissa Bailey
- Meeting called to order at 7:00 PM by Larry Mosely.
- Last month’s minutes approved.
- Treasurer’s report.
- Current cash balance $8,390.00.
- Discussions
- Social Media.
- Need chair and apparel purchase information added (Chairs are $50).
- Calendar needs updating.
- Social Media.
- Fundraising.
- Vinyl Stickers to be offered later in the year.
- Slice of Chicago has confirmed they want a corner advertising sticker.
- Grapplers with Grace.
- Oct 5th, will have food and beverages served before the event.
- $10.00 for VIP seating and $5.00 for general admission.
- Snack Shack .
- US Silica—Ongoing.
- Vinyl Stickers to be offered later in the year.
- Basic Skills camp (Tabled)—will be a fall function if it happens.
- Warm-ups—almost settled on.
- Open mat sessions continue to be successful—need to be added to calendar with Sunday and Wednesday schedule change (see social media).
- Budget presented and discussed with minor changes asked to be made. (Tabled for August meeting).
- Change yearly revenue totals.
- Add “Gift “ line item.
- Butterfest Candy.
- Election of Officers:
- President (Nominated Larry Mosely) APPROVED 4-0.
- Treasurer (Nominated Mary Nowaczyk) APPROVED 4-0.
- Alumni (Nominated Denise Murnane) APPROVED 4-0.
- Stevens Point Summer Duals June 28th and 29th.
- Spaghetti feed—scheduled for Nov 12th.
- Butterfest Parade.
- Successful participation once again.
- FS/Greco Tournament with a Friday night reffing clinic scheduled for April 19th 2014.
- New Business
- Approved replacing the Plaques that came up missing.
- Did not schedule a July meeting—determined August 5th as a reasonable reconvening date.
- Meeting adjourned at 8:15 PM.
- Next meeting Monday Aug. 5th.
Minutes submitted by Andy Polhamus