
Sparta Wrestling Club Minutes 2-11-12

Here are the minutes of the Sparta Wrestling Club from their latest meeting on Monday, February 11th, 2013.


Sparta Wrestling Club


Club Meeting Minutes: 02/11/13                                                            7:00 PM Barney Center Senior Citizen Room

Officers Present:

Larry Mosely-President

Mike Montgomery-VP

Jean Roddick-Middle School Rep

Andy Polhamus—Secretary

Red Von Ruden-High School Rep

Kari Hauser-Youth Coordinator

Officers Absent:

Mary Nowaczyk-Treasurer

Steve Weidl-Alumni Rep

Others Present:

Coach Larsen, Mike Roddick, Paul Zimmerman, Traci Polhamus, Melissa Bailey, Pat Stevenson, Denise Murnane, Carla Janzen,


  • Meeting called to order at 7:00 PM by Larry Mosely.
  • Last month’s minutes approved.
  • Treasurer’s report
    • Current cash balance $11,067.05
    • Discussions
      • State Qualifier/Achievement board is complete and can come off the agenda.
        • Web Site—BY Law information is now in Derek’s hands and will be added to the web site
  • Fundraising
    • Sporting Clays—will be a spring event.  Need to start contacting people.
    • Vinyl Stickers—($40)
      • Next year item.
      • Grapplers and Grace (Tabled—Andy Polhamus has decided to be a quitter and not spear-head this event).
      • Snack Shack –Larry has down-loaded the request.
      • US Silica—Mark Sund indicated he could get Jake the contact he needs to approach them about their support in the near future.
  • Sparta Invite Hospitality room furnishings discussed—Next year Bob has agreed to budget $150 towards the furnishings.  We cover the rest and feed the table workers.
  • Donations to the Wrestling Activity Club must be presented in exact amounts and not general amounts for accounting purposes.
  • General discussion was had regarding Mike Montgomery’s idea if a less intense youth camp designed for the fringe wrestler from grades 7-10.
  • Youth Tournament Sponsors.
    • Thank you is in or has been sent to be published in the paper.
    • Sending “Thank You” cards to each Sponsor discussed.  Would like a team picture from Jake so we can put the picture on a post card and send out.
  • Gun Raffle—Andy Polhamus will explore the specifics/viability of having one for the club.
  • Denise Murnane recognized for her book table idea at the Sparta Invite.
  • Amy and Ryan Burkhalter recognized for their implementation of chair rental and sales at wrestling events.
    • 12 stadium chairs +shipping was $412.58. The container was $21.05.  Amy will email the receipts for reimbursement.  Rental and sale orders were implemented at the Tomah dual.
    • 5 Spartan chairs were ordered and Amy would like to pursue more.  Cost is $40.40 and would like to sell for $50.  Not a lot of time was spent on this portion as the meeting was running late.
    • New Business
      • Additional later shift needs to be added for the concession stand during the Sparta Invite.
        • Shift will be added.
  • Youth Wrestling Ideas/concerns.
    • Have a quick clinic for the youth wrestlers during bracketing.  Most present at the meeting have seen examples of this at other locations/tournaments.
      • Lynn will be approached about this idea for next year’s tournament.
      • Look at way to provide more enhanced and specialized practices for the more advanced wrestlers.  Jake said he is working on it.
        • Stressed also taking advantage of the free-style and Greco portion of the year.
        • Stressed taking advantage of the open mat sessions that Jake makes available throughout the summer where unfortunately little participation takes place but the one-on-one opportunity to become more refined with the sport is available.
        • Schedules for this will be made available through emails and web-site at a minimum.
  • Have an Alumni Recognition night.
  • Election of Officers upcoming: Mike Montgomery to coordinate a nomination committee.
    • Positions are two-year terms with half of the officer’s terms staggering the other half’s elected term.
  • Warm-ups.  Club has agreed to aid in the purchase of 30 new warm-ups at an $80.00 cost per warm-up (motioned by Larry, seconded by Denise—Approved).
    • Wrestler will be given the option to purchase his or her warm up at cost.
    • Crew neck shirt with pocketless pants for safety purposes along with embroidery.
  • Coaches shirts.  Club has agreed to aid in the purchase of 14 Coaches shirts.  (Motioned by Andy, seconded by Red—approved).
  • Donation of apparel to “Strictly Business after 5” event of 2 shirts and a hat and other stuff if warranted.  (Motioned by Mike R, seconded by Mike M—approved).
  • Order forms were handed out for Sate T-shirts.  This is a much earlier process than in years past.
    • If you would like to have a State T-shirt to wear at the actual State Tournament, then you must:
      • Have your order form filled out
      • Have a check made payable to “Sparta Wrestling Club”
      • Provide this information to the High School or Meadowview Intermediate School offices by Noon on Feb 18th to receive your shirt by Feb. 21st.
      • Cost is $10 for Short-sleeve and $15 for a Long-sleeve shirt.
      • Another order will be taken on February 25 with the same form.
  • Next meeting scheduled for 03/11/13.
  • Meeting adjourned at 8:17 PM.


Minutes submitted by Andy Polhamus

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