
Do You Remember? _ _ _ _

It was the early 1990s and Sparta was dominating its opponents in the MVC and sending wrestler after wrestler to the state tournament.  The coaches were Mike Montgomery, Mike Roddick and a whole range of other individuals.  It was a great time for Sparta wrestling.  Some attribute that success to the coaches and how they prepared the wrestlers.  Some believe it was just natural talent and hard work by the wrestlers themselves.  While others believed it was none of that.  They believed it was something more.  Many loved it while others hated it and soon it disappeared from the eyes of coaches, wrestlers and fans.  Nobody knows exactly what happened it, but it disappeared.  However, recent media reports indicate there was a small group devoted to the continual success of the Spartan wrestling program who watched over it while it existed in exile and to this very day ensure its security and well-being so that the success of the program continues.  That is what they believe.  For the first time in years, photos of the object have been leaked to’s Derek Montgomery and he asks all of you out there visiting the website…. what was the name of this object?


Send your answers by clicing "Email Me" at the top along the left hand side of the page or you could just leave it in the comment section below this post.  Also, if you have any other memories of _ _ _ _, you are welcome to leave them there.

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