From now on, we will be posting the wrestling club minutes after each club meeting. You can find them all under the “Team” menu option up top. For now, there is only one, but each meeting’s minutes from here on out will be posted to the front page and an archived on the “Wrestling Club Minutes” link under the “Team” menu option.
Here are the minutes for Monday, January 7th…
Club Meeting Minutes: 01/07/12 7:00 PM Barney Center Senior Citizen Room
Officers Present:
Larry Mosely-President
Mike Montgomery-VP
Jean Roddick-Middle School Rep
Andy Polhamus—Secretary
Red Von Ruden-High School Rep
Mary Nowaczyk-Treasurer
Kari Hauser-Youth Coordinator
Steve Weidl-Alumni Rep
Officers Absent:
Others Present:
Coach Larsen, Mike Roddick, Paul Zimmermen, Traci Polhamus, Melissa Bailey, Tina Benish, Amy Burkhalter, Ryan Burkhalter, Tim Hyma, Tracy Klass, Mike Forbes, Mark Sund.
- Meeting called to order at 7:00 PM by Larry Mosely.
- Last month’s minutes approved. (Motioned and seconded by Steve Weidl and Traci Polhamus)
- Treasurer’s report
- Current cash balance $5,089.70
- Discussions
- State Qualifier/Achievement board is hung—now just needs updated plaques attached.
- Cheesehead was an “Experience”, but kids were certainly exposed to some of the best the nation has to offer.
- Web Site
- Sponsorship links
- Links are on there—one must go to Team tab then Sponsor tab.
- Sponsorship links
- By-Law information will be placed on website. (Larry will send to Derek Montgomery)
- Fundraising
- Sporting Clays—(Tabled) can sell concessions on the hill
- Vinyl Stickers—($40)
- Next year item.
- Grapplers and Grace (Tabled)
- Snack Shack — Jake is still getting confirmation of the need for a request to run.
- Selling books at wrestling events. (Denise Murnane will have a table)
- US Silica—Mark Sund indicated he could get Jake the contact he needs to approach them about their support.
- Team Poster-Will be complete by the Weston/Ithica dual on Jan. 20th.
- Weston/Ithica dual might be moved up to January 10th due to Aquinas cancelling our dual due to extensive health issues
- Sparta Invite is January 19th
- Hospitality room furnishings discussed—We will supply items and ask Bob to support some others
- Taco meat needs to be cooked and seasoned. Volunteers are:
- Vonruden 20 Lbs
- Murnane 20 Lbs
- Montgomery 20 Lbs
- Polhamus 25 Lbs
- New Business
- Sparta Invite
- Burhalters, Polhamuses, Roddicks volunteered to grill bratwurst (Roughly 100 brats each).
- Decided Brats were $3, Hot Dogs and Walking Tacos 2.50.
- Need Volunteers to help set-up starting at 8 pm Friday night
- Need Volunteers to be at the school for the concession stand at 7 AM
- Melissa Bailey is organizing the sign-up sheet for Saturday concessions
- Andy Polhamus is doing the Sunday Concession sheet
- Sparta Invite
- Chair rental
- Amy Burkhalter approved to purchase 20 XL chairs designated for rental use at Sparta Wrestling events with rental proceeds going to the club.
- Should we have a gun raffle?
- Youth T-shirts will be neon yellow with black letters.
- Next meeting scheduled for 02/11/13.
- Meeting adjourned at 8:17 PM.
Minutes submitted by Andy Polhamus