If you guessed that most of the people who visit this website are from Sparta, the state of Wisconsin and the United States you are correct. However, the reach of this website goes much further than you might think.
On January 18, I installed some code on Spartanwrestling.com that helps us determine who visits the website, how long they spend here, what pages are the most popular and various other informaiton. The service, Google Analytics, also pinpoints the city where these visitors are coming from. First, check out the world map to see just how far Spartanwrestling.com reaches…
The green spots on the map indicate countries where people have logged on and visited this website. Since January 18th, we have received hits from Canada, Australia, the United Kingdom, Mexico, Taiwan, Belgium, Romania, Norway, Japan, Switzerland and Ireland. Including the United States, that's 12 countries in nine days.
In the United States, visitors from 33 states have made it here in the same timeframe. The top five states are Wisconsin, Minnesota, Michigan, New Jersey and Illinois. People in North Carolina spend the most amount of time on the website of any state or country spending an average of 14 minutes 48 seconds here for each visit. Hence the Tarheel appeal.
Digging even deeper and looking at the state most interested in Spartanwrestling.com–Wisconsin–we find that people in 53 cities have made it here. The top 10 Wisconsin communities to spend time here is Onalaska (Coach Blum?), Sparta, Tomah, Madison, La Crosse, Altoona, Coon Valley, Milwaukee, Holmen and Reedsburg. People in Mauston spend the most time on the website with an average of 8 minutes and 26 seconds while people from Sparta average a mere 49 seconds on the website. That should come as no surprise as the most diehard fans of Spartan wrestling probably go to the duals and the tournaments and are less reliant on this website for news.
For the geeks out there, the most popular browser for viewing Spartanwrestling.com is Internet Explorer with a whopping 83.56% of visitors using this browser. Firefox comes in second at 10.33% and Safari third with 5.35%. Windows users make up 91% of visitors while Apple users come in second at 8 percent.
And finally, in the past nine days there have been 523 visits. Those 523 visits are made up of 318 unique visitors meaning 318 different people visited the website. People browse and average of two pages each time they come here and spend and average of two minutes on the website.
These numbers may not sound like a lot or that impressive, but they represent just 9 days in the life of Spartanwrestling.com during the slowest part of the season. During the days before and after the Tomah dual, hits to the website were nearly triple this number. I'll be doing more of these in the future albeit in shorter versions. Probably a year end summary and maybe once a month during the season.
Be sure to check back tomorrow as we provide the matchups that Spartan wrestlers will have for Saturday's sectional tournament in Middleton.