The Sparta middle school wrestling team is off to a hot start this year with a few solid performances already under their belt. I have full results from Prairie Du Chien and records from Winona. You can find the Prairie Du Chien results on or by clicking here. Below are the overall records from the wrestlers’ day at Winona…
Prairie du Chien Results — Click Here…
Winona Records…
6th GRADE — Connor Bernett 0-1, Matthew Fahning 2-0, Autumn Glover 1-1, Braze Jorenson 0-1, Christian Lamon 2-0, Cole Nelson 3-0, Austin Ragland 0-1, Jasiah Scott 0-1, Nic Swiatly 2-0, Deion Tovar 2-0, Jaden Winchel 1-1, Russell Winchel 1-1, Ryan Wisniewski 1-1
7th GRADE — Haydn Bernett 2-0, Nate Cox 1-1, Matthew Hoffman 2-0, Alex Meinhardt 1-1, Trey Rickey 0-0, Trygve Zurfluh 2-1
8th GRADE — Joseph Benish 3-0, Dillon Crocker 2-0, Patrick Daley 1-1, Randall Giraud 2-0, Nathan Gremminger 1-0, Ryan Leis 2-0, Justin Marx 1-1, Brock Polhamus 2-0, Walker Polhamus 2-0, Christian Reiter 2-0, John Roddick 2-0, Corey Zimmerman 2-0
More results will be posted here and on the middle school page when they become available.
[…] Thanks to Mike Roddick for supplying this information. If you are interested in finding out how the Spartans did at Winona and Prairie Du Chien from earlier in the year, check out this post. […]