
In-Depth Yearly Results

Below you will find links to in-depth records for individual seasons.  For example, find out the score of the Sparta-Tomah dual during the 2007-08 season or how the team did at the Reedsburg invite a year later.  As with some other records on this site, we have years and results missing.

The “Banquet Document” is what was handed out to people attending the end-of-the-season banquet.  Lots of times these will have results, records, stats, quotes, pictures and a lot more so check them out if you have a chance.  “Stats” links are just that–statistics.  Find out how many takedowns Nick Winchel had during the 2009-10 season or how many pins Matt Tourdot earned during his senior campaign.  All of that and more in the stats sections.

If you have any comments or questions, please email us here or leave them here by posting a comment at the bottom of the page.  Thanks!

Note:  Some of the stats links will open an Excel document so you will need Microsoft Excel to view these files or any program that can process Excel files.  The Banquet Document will open a Microsoft Word document or a PDF.  If you do not have Excel or Word, I recommend trying Google Docs to open and view these stats.

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